LLVMにRenesas RL78をPortingしようとしているのかな?



[llvm-dev] New LLVM backend for Renesas RL78 MCU
Sebastian Perta via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 1 10:26:05 PDT 2020

  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    以下に投稿したBlinkyサンプルプログラムのzipファイルにリストファイル(GNURL78)と逆アセンブルダンプファイル(LLVM-RL78とGNURL78)も入れておいたのですが、内蔵周辺レジスタアクセスのコードがLLVM-RL78はGNURL78より随分悪いですね。(コンパイラでの最適化レベルは共に -Os です。) たぶんこれは、LLVM-RL78での最適化処理において抜けてしまっている何かがある、のではないだろうかと思ってしまうのです、、、

    RL78/G23-64p Fast Prototyping Board Blinky sample program


    RL78_RL78G23_FPB_LLVM_e2studio/HardwareDebug/rl78g23_fpb.dmp より抜粋

    0000323b _R_Config_ITL0_Create:
    ;     ITLCTL0 = 0x00U;
        323b: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        323e: cc 00 00                      mov [hl], #0
        3241: 36 6c 03                      movw hl, #876
        3244: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3245: 71 8a                         set1 a.0
        3247: 36 6c 03                      movw hl, #876
        324a: 9b                            mov [hl], a
        324b: fd ce 32                      call !0x32ce
    ;     ITLMK = 1U;    /* disable INTITL interrupt */
        324e: 36 e7 ff                      movw hl, #65511
        3251: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3252: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3254: 36 e7 ff                      movw hl, #65511
        3257: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLIF = 0U;    /* clear INTITL interrupt flag */
        3258: 36 e3 ff                      movw hl, #65507
        325b: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        325c: 71 ab                         clr1 a.2
        325e: 36 e3 ff                      movw hl, #65507
        3261: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLPR1 = 1U;
        3262: 36 ef ff                      movw hl, #65519
        3265: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3266: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3268: 36 ef ff                      movw hl, #65519
        326b: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLPR0 = 1U;
        326c: 36 eb ff                      movw hl, #65515
        326f: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3270: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3272: 36 eb ff                      movw hl, #65515
        3275: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCTL0 |= _80_ITL_MODE_32BIT;
        3276: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        3279: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        327a: 71 fa                         set1 a.7
        327c: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        327f: 9b                            mov [hl], a
        3280: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3283: 51 f8                         mov a, #248
        3285: 5d                            and a, [hl]
        3286: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3289: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCSEL0 |= _01_ITL_CLOCK_FITL0_FIHP;
        328a: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        328d: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        328e: 71 8a                         set1 a.0
        3290: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3293: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLFDIV00 &= _F8_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_CLEAR;
        3294: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        3297: 51 f8                         mov a, #248
        3299: 5d                            and a, [hl]
        329a: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        329d: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLFDIV00 |= _07_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_128;
        329e: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        32a1: 51 07                         mov a, #7
        32a3: 6d                            or a, [hl]
        32a4: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        32a7: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCMP00 = _E847_ITL_ITLCMP00_VALUE;
        32a8: 36 60 03                      movw hl, #864
        32ab: 30 47 e8                      movw ax, #59463
        32ae: bb                            movw [hl], ax
    ;     ITLCMP01 = _0001_ITL_ITLCMP01_VALUE;
        32af: 36 62 03                      movw hl, #866
        32b2: e6                            onew ax
        32b3: bb                            movw [hl], ax
    ;     R_Config_ITL0_Create_UserInit();
        32b4: fd de 32                      call !0x32de
    ; }
        32b7: d7                            ret


    RL78_RL78G23_FPB_GCC_e2studio/HardwareDebug/rl78g23_fpb.dmp より抜粋(+少々加工)

    00000272 <_R_Config_ITL0_Create>:
        ITLCTL0 = 0x00U;
     272:   f5 66 03                        clrb    !f0366 <__mirror_end+0xe4466>
     275:   e4 f0                           oneb    0xffef0
     277:   8f 6c 03                        mov a, !f036c <__mirror_end+0xe446c>
     27a:   6b f0                           or  a, 0xffef0
     27c:   9f 6c 03                        mov !f036c <__mirror_end+0xe446c>, a
        ITLS0 &= (uint16_t)~_01_ITL_CHANNEL0_COUNT_MATCH_DETECTE;
     27f:   71 08 6b 03                     clr1    !f036b <__mirror_end+0xe446b>.0
        ITLMK = 1U;    /* disable INTITL interrupt */
     283:   71 2a e7                        set1    0xfffe7.2
        ITLIF = 0U;    /* clear INTITL interrupt flag */
     286:   71 2b e3                        clr1    0xfffe3.2
        ITLPR1 = 1U;
     289:   71 2a ef                        set1    0xfffef.2
        ITLPR0 = 1U;
     28c:   71 2a eb                        set1    0xfffeb.2
        ITLCTL0 |= _80_ITL_MODE_32BIT;
     28f:   71 70 66 03                     set1    !f0366 <__mirror_end+0xe4466>.7
     293:   8f 67 03                        mov a, !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>
     296:   5c f8                           and a, #248
     298:   9f 67 03                        mov !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>, a
     29b:   8f 67 03                        mov a, !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>
     29e:   6b f0                           or  a, 0xffef0
     2a0:   9f 67 03                        mov !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>, a
        ITLFDIV00 &= _F8_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_CLEAR;
     2a3:   8f 68 03                        mov a, !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>
     2a6:   5c f8                           and a, #248
     2a8:   9f 68 03                        mov !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>, a
        ITLFDIV00 |= _07_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_128;
     2ab:   8f 68 03                        mov a, !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>
     2ae:   6c 07                           or  a, #7
     2b0:   9f 68 03                        mov !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>, a
        ITLCMP00 = _E847_ITL_ITLCMP00_VALUE;
     2b3:   30 47 e8                        movw    ax, #0xe847
     2b6:   bf 60 03                        movw    !f0360 <__mirror_end+0xe4460>, ax
        ITLCMP01 = _0001_ITL_ITLCMP01_VALUE;
     2b9:   e6                              onew    ax
     2ba:   bf 62 03                        movw    !f0362 <__mirror_end+0xe4462>, ax
     2bd:   fd ce 02                        call    !2ce <_R_Config_ITL0_Create_UserInit>
     2c0:   d7                              ret


  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    以下に投稿したBlinkyサンプルプログラムのzipファイルにリストファイル(GNURL78)と逆アセンブルダンプファイル(LLVM-RL78とGNURL78)も入れておいたのですが、内蔵周辺レジスタアクセスのコードがLLVM-RL78はGNURL78より随分悪いですね。(コンパイラでの最適化レベルは共に -Os です。) たぶんこれは、LLVM-RL78での最適化処理において抜けてしまっている何かがある、のではないだろうかと思ってしまうのです、、、

    RL78/G23-64p Fast Prototyping Board Blinky sample program


    RL78_RL78G23_FPB_LLVM_e2studio/HardwareDebug/rl78g23_fpb.dmp より抜粋

    0000323b _R_Config_ITL0_Create:
    ;     ITLCTL0 = 0x00U;
        323b: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        323e: cc 00 00                      mov [hl], #0
        3241: 36 6c 03                      movw hl, #876
        3244: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3245: 71 8a                         set1 a.0
        3247: 36 6c 03                      movw hl, #876
        324a: 9b                            mov [hl], a
        324b: fd ce 32                      call !0x32ce
    ;     ITLMK = 1U;    /* disable INTITL interrupt */
        324e: 36 e7 ff                      movw hl, #65511
        3251: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3252: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3254: 36 e7 ff                      movw hl, #65511
        3257: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLIF = 0U;    /* clear INTITL interrupt flag */
        3258: 36 e3 ff                      movw hl, #65507
        325b: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        325c: 71 ab                         clr1 a.2
        325e: 36 e3 ff                      movw hl, #65507
        3261: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLPR1 = 1U;
        3262: 36 ef ff                      movw hl, #65519
        3265: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3266: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3268: 36 ef ff                      movw hl, #65519
        326b: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLPR0 = 1U;
        326c: 36 eb ff                      movw hl, #65515
        326f: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        3270: 71 aa                         set1 a.2
        3272: 36 eb ff                      movw hl, #65515
        3275: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCTL0 |= _80_ITL_MODE_32BIT;
        3276: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        3279: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        327a: 71 fa                         set1 a.7
        327c: 36 66 03                      movw hl, #870
        327f: 9b                            mov [hl], a
        3280: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3283: 51 f8                         mov a, #248
        3285: 5d                            and a, [hl]
        3286: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3289: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCSEL0 |= _01_ITL_CLOCK_FITL0_FIHP;
        328a: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        328d: 8b                            mov a, [hl]
        328e: 71 8a                         set1 a.0
        3290: 36 67 03                      movw hl, #871
        3293: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLFDIV00 &= _F8_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_CLEAR;
        3294: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        3297: 51 f8                         mov a, #248
        3299: 5d                            and a, [hl]
        329a: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        329d: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLFDIV00 |= _07_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_128;
        329e: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        32a1: 51 07                         mov a, #7
        32a3: 6d                            or a, [hl]
        32a4: 36 68 03                      movw hl, #872
        32a7: 9b                            mov [hl], a
    ;     ITLCMP00 = _E847_ITL_ITLCMP00_VALUE;
        32a8: 36 60 03                      movw hl, #864
        32ab: 30 47 e8                      movw ax, #59463
        32ae: bb                            movw [hl], ax
    ;     ITLCMP01 = _0001_ITL_ITLCMP01_VALUE;
        32af: 36 62 03                      movw hl, #866
        32b2: e6                            onew ax
        32b3: bb                            movw [hl], ax
    ;     R_Config_ITL0_Create_UserInit();
        32b4: fd de 32                      call !0x32de
    ; }
        32b7: d7                            ret


    RL78_RL78G23_FPB_GCC_e2studio/HardwareDebug/rl78g23_fpb.dmp より抜粋(+少々加工)

    00000272 <_R_Config_ITL0_Create>:
        ITLCTL0 = 0x00U;
     272:   f5 66 03                        clrb    !f0366 <__mirror_end+0xe4466>
     275:   e4 f0                           oneb    0xffef0
     277:   8f 6c 03                        mov a, !f036c <__mirror_end+0xe446c>
     27a:   6b f0                           or  a, 0xffef0
     27c:   9f 6c 03                        mov !f036c <__mirror_end+0xe446c>, a
        ITLS0 &= (uint16_t)~_01_ITL_CHANNEL0_COUNT_MATCH_DETECTE;
     27f:   71 08 6b 03                     clr1    !f036b <__mirror_end+0xe446b>.0
        ITLMK = 1U;    /* disable INTITL interrupt */
     283:   71 2a e7                        set1    0xfffe7.2
        ITLIF = 0U;    /* clear INTITL interrupt flag */
     286:   71 2b e3                        clr1    0xfffe3.2
        ITLPR1 = 1U;
     289:   71 2a ef                        set1    0xfffef.2
        ITLPR0 = 1U;
     28c:   71 2a eb                        set1    0xfffeb.2
        ITLCTL0 |= _80_ITL_MODE_32BIT;
     28f:   71 70 66 03                     set1    !f0366 <__mirror_end+0xe4466>.7
     293:   8f 67 03                        mov a, !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>
     296:   5c f8                           and a, #248
     298:   9f 67 03                        mov !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>, a
     29b:   8f 67 03                        mov a, !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>
     29e:   6b f0                           or  a, 0xffef0
     2a0:   9f 67 03                        mov !f0367 <__mirror_end+0xe4467>, a
        ITLFDIV00 &= _F8_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_CLEAR;
     2a3:   8f 68 03                        mov a, !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>
     2a6:   5c f8                           and a, #248
     2a8:   9f 68 03                        mov !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>, a
        ITLFDIV00 |= _07_ITL_ITL000_FITL0_128;
     2ab:   8f 68 03                        mov a, !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>
     2ae:   6c 07                           or  a, #7
     2b0:   9f 68 03                        mov !f0368 <__mirror_end+0xe4468>, a
        ITLCMP00 = _E847_ITL_ITLCMP00_VALUE;
     2b3:   30 47 e8                        movw    ax, #0xe847
     2b6:   bf 60 03                        movw    !f0360 <__mirror_end+0xe4460>, ax
        ITLCMP01 = _0001_ITL_ITLCMP01_VALUE;
     2b9:   e6                              onew    ax
     2ba:   bf 62 03                        movw    !f0362 <__mirror_end+0xe4462>, ax
     2bd:   fd ce 02                        call    !2ce <_R_Config_ITL0_Create_UserInit>
     2c0:   d7                              ret


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