CC-RL V1.12について



W0511187:CC-RL V1のオプション"-Odefault"の評価期間の有効期限が切れています。暗黙に"-Olite"指定に変更します。引き続き"-Odefault"を利用したい場合は製品の購入を検討ください。明示的に"-Olite"か"-Onothing"を指定することで、この警告は消えます。



  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    CC-RL V1.12のC++14対応に関して、以下のCS+のオンラインヘルプには以下の通り記載されているのですけれども、実際に試してみると、C++ソースとしてでは無く、Cソースとして、コンパイルされているようですね。


    2.4.1 Command line operation

    The compilation driver (ccrl) identifies the extension of the input file, and then starts the compiler, assembler, and linker. Alphabetical extensions are not case sensitive.

    - If the input file has the extension .s or .asm, the compilation driver assumes it is an assembly language file, and starts the assembler.
    - If the input file has the extension .c, the compilation driver assumes it is a C source file, and starts the compiler.
    - If the input file has the extension .cpp, .cc, or .cp, the compilation driver assumes that it is a C++ source file, and starts the compiler.
    - If the input file has the extension .obj, the compilation driver assumes that it is an object file, and starts the linker.

    If the input file has an extension other than the above, the compilation driver assumes that the file is a C source file, and starts the compiler.
    You can specify the language standard of C source files and C++ source files by using the -lang option.

    ソース: test20230502_1.cpp

    #ifndef __cplusplus
    #error __cplusplus is not defined.

    コマンド: test20230502_1.bat

    ccrl -cpu=S3 -Olite -c test20230502_1.cpp


    test20230502_1.cpp(2):F0520035:#error 指令: __cplusplus is not defined.


  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    CC-RL V1.12のC++14対応に関して、以下のCS+のオンラインヘルプには以下の通り記載されているのですけれども、実際に試してみると、C++ソースとしてでは無く、Cソースとして、コンパイルされているようですね。


    2.4.1 Command line operation

    The compilation driver (ccrl) identifies the extension of the input file, and then starts the compiler, assembler, and linker. Alphabetical extensions are not case sensitive.

    - If the input file has the extension .s or .asm, the compilation driver assumes it is an assembly language file, and starts the assembler.
    - If the input file has the extension .c, the compilation driver assumes it is a C source file, and starts the compiler.
    - If the input file has the extension .cpp, .cc, or .cp, the compilation driver assumes that it is a C++ source file, and starts the compiler.
    - If the input file has the extension .obj, the compilation driver assumes that it is an object file, and starts the linker.

    If the input file has an extension other than the above, the compilation driver assumes that the file is a C source file, and starts the compiler.
    You can specify the language standard of C source files and C++ source files by using the -lang option.

    ソース: test20230502_1.cpp

    #ifndef __cplusplus
    #error __cplusplus is not defined.

    コマンド: test20230502_1.bat

    ccrl -cpu=S3 -Olite -c test20230502_1.cpp


    test20230502_1.cpp(2):F0520035:#error 指令: __cplusplus is not defined.


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