Azure RTOSでRXマイコンが使えるようになったのですね


Azure RTOSでRXマイコンが使えるようになったのですね。コンパイラはGNURXが使われていました。

Getting started with the Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX65N-2MB (英文です。)
02/05/2021 Ryan Winter

  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    Azure RTOSのCritical SectionはFree RTOSのものとは何か挙動が異なるみたいですね。理解するのに時間が掛かりそう。Critical Section内でも高優先度スレッドに切り替わるらしいです。(まあ、逆に、Azure RTOSユーザからすれば、えっ、Free RTOSのCritical Sectionでは切り替わらないの?!なのでしょうけど、、、)

    Azure RTOS_Preemption-Threshold Scheduling

    Preemption-Threshold Scheduling Enables Real-Time Systems to Achieve Higher Performance
    Innovative real-time scheduling mode permits responsiveness, while protecting critical sections and reducing overhead
    January 2020
    Page 7 of 11 (色付けは私によるもの)


    Preemption-Threshold Scheduling offers several benefits. It is a tool that may be used by system designers in many ways, even beyond those mentioned here, to suit various system use cases. Here are a few examples of the benefits of Preemption-Threshold Scheduling:

    2. Critical Section Protection. A critical section is a part of a multithreaded program that may not be concurrently executed by more than one of the threads. Typically, the critical section accesses a shared resource, such as a data structure, a peripheral device, or a network connection, that does not allow multiple concurrent accesses. Typically, preemption is disabled during critical section access, protecting the section but delaying response to unrelated events. Preemption-Threshold Scheduling can be used to prevent preemption among a set of threads, all of which interact with the same critical section. Threads dealing with the critical section cannot “step on” each other, but they still can be preempted by higher-priority threads that do not use the critical section, thus achieving better system responsiveness.



    ・ Azure RTOSカーネルでは割り込み禁止時間はどうなっているのか?
    ・ それは、CortexコアとRXコアでは、扱いが異なっているのか?それとも同じなのか?


    ・ Free RTOSカーネルでは、OS管理外の高優先度割り込みが使える
    ⇒ カーネル内部のCritical Sectionでの割り込み禁止時にも割り込みを受け付ける(割り込みルーチンへ飛ぶ)機能
    ※ (ただし、その割り込みでは(割り込みルーチン内では)、RTOS APIを呼んではいけないという制限が付く)

  • こんにちは。NoMaYです。

    Azure RTOSのCritical SectionはFree RTOSのものとは何か挙動が異なるみたいですね。理解するのに時間が掛かりそう。Critical Section内でも高優先度スレッドに切り替わるらしいです。(まあ、逆に、Azure RTOSユーザからすれば、えっ、Free RTOSのCritical Sectionでは切り替わらないの?!なのでしょうけど、、、)

    Azure RTOS_Preemption-Threshold Scheduling

    Preemption-Threshold Scheduling Enables Real-Time Systems to Achieve Higher Performance
    Innovative real-time scheduling mode permits responsiveness, while protecting critical sections and reducing overhead
    January 2020
    Page 7 of 11 (色付けは私によるもの)


    Preemption-Threshold Scheduling offers several benefits. It is a tool that may be used by system designers in many ways, even beyond those mentioned here, to suit various system use cases. Here are a few examples of the benefits of Preemption-Threshold Scheduling:

    2. Critical Section Protection. A critical section is a part of a multithreaded program that may not be concurrently executed by more than one of the threads. Typically, the critical section accesses a shared resource, such as a data structure, a peripheral device, or a network connection, that does not allow multiple concurrent accesses. Typically, preemption is disabled during critical section access, protecting the section but delaying response to unrelated events. Preemption-Threshold Scheduling can be used to prevent preemption among a set of threads, all of which interact with the same critical section. Threads dealing with the critical section cannot “step on” each other, but they still can be preempted by higher-priority threads that do not use the critical section, thus achieving better system responsiveness.



    ・ Azure RTOSカーネルでは割り込み禁止時間はどうなっているのか?
    ・ それは、CortexコアとRXコアでは、扱いが異なっているのか?それとも同じなのか?


    ・ Free RTOSカーネルでは、OS管理外の高優先度割り込みが使える
    ⇒ カーネル内部のCritical Sectionでの割り込み禁止時にも割り込みを受け付ける(割り込みルーチンへ飛ぶ)機能
    ※ (ただし、その割り込みでは(割り込みルーチン内では)、RTOS APIを呼んではいけないという制限が付く)

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