IAR_RL78 编译生成的.map 文件解析?

芯片: RL78/F14 - R5F10PLJ  

编译器:IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RL78

软件工程编译完成后,.map文件显示:readwrite data memory 使用了42K左右,但该芯片实际RAM只有20KB(FAF00H~FFEFFH),超了两倍多

但是看到const 定义的常量是放置在 F3000H~FAEFFH 地址段,对应芯片的Mirror区域,也被统计进了最终的readwrite data memory


1. 这个readwrite data memory统计数据是 RAM 和 Mirror 区总使用大小吗?

2. 如果readwrite data memory 只是代表RAM的实际使用大小,目前RAM实际使用超了2倍多,软件还能正常运行吗?


  • 你好,这个问题已经反馈至内部,请稍等

  • My understanding is that 'readwrite data memory' is RAM only. But I do not know has the IAR is calculating that before the program executes. So I am not sure if the program will work, some testing seems necessary.

    The mirror area is basically an area where a part of code flash is mirrored, so it is a copy of a part of code flash. It should not be confused with RAM, it is totally different.

    The code flash contents on 03000H - 0AEFFH are mirrored in the mirror area.

    I would also look into the 28K bytes required for data flash while only 8K are available.